Vcenter vnc connects to wrong host

In version 5.6.1 using vonecloud 3.2.1, vnc always attempts to connect to the host that vcenter lives on instead of the host the newly created vm is instantiated on.

[root@cloud sunstone_vnc_tokens]# pwd
[root@cloud sunstone_vnc_tokens]# cat one-44

What’s odd is opennebula knows the vm live on a different hypervisor as seen in the following image:

If I move the vm to using vmotion, vnc will work, but not until then. It does not matter how long I wait, this behavior does not change. I’ve tested a delay up to 36 hours.

Is there a way to force the vnc address to update?

this is discussed in VCENTER_ESX_HOST inconsistent produces novnc 1006 error