Opennebula-sunstone.service terminate

recently I have encounter sunstone crash for three times. Crash occurs approximately once in 10 days.
Linux = Debian 9.8
sunstone.log - nothing there.
Mar 14 13:17:39 nebula1 ruby[7454]: pure virtual method called
Mar 14 13:17:39 nebula1 ruby[7454]: terminate called without an active exception
Mar 14 13:17:39 nebula1 systemd[1]: opennebula-sunstone.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
Mar 14 13:17:39 nebula1 systemd[1]: opennebula-sunstone.service: Unit entered failed state.
Mar 14 13:17:39 nebula1 systemd[1]: opennebula-sunstone.service: Failed with result ‘signal’.

Could you please help me solve this issue?

Hi @angriukas

Could you plelase send me the /var/log/one/sunstone.error?

There is no such file in that location.
Only sunstone.log
sunstone.log contains nothing about error.

:debug_level: 3

Strange that file wasn’t created.
Should I change some settings to get mentioned file?

We are using OpenNebula 5.8.0

Try changing the :debug_level to 0, which is error (

And then execute sunstone manually (ruby /usr/lib/one/sunstone/sunstone-server.rb)

Does it show any errors?

Change debug level to 0, started manually, got crash, here is output.
sunstone.error - still not created

     Server configuration

:routes=>[“oneflow”, “vcenter”, “support”],

== Sinatra (v2.0.5) has taken the stage on 9869 for development with backup from Thin
Thin web server (v1.7.2 codename Bachmanity)
Maximum connections set to 1024
Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
pure virtual method called
terminate called without an active exception

Hi, any news?

Hi @angriukas

Sorry for answer lately, I was on holidays. I can’t reproduce your issue, for me it’s working. Let’s try gathering more information and see if we can fix it.

  • What OpenNebula version are you using?
  • Are you using it installed from source code or packages?
  • Does the crash happen all the times you start Sunstone?

OpenNebula 5.8.0
Installed on Debain 9.8 from packages.
Crash occurs quite a rare. Sometimes crashes on startup of Sunstone, sometimes after 10 days of normal work. How can I enable advanced logging?

There is just this debug level :debug_level.