Onedb fsck history record errors

I recently upgraded from 4.14.0 to 4.14.2 and got the following errors during the onedb fsck step:

[UNREPAIRED] History record for VM 24 seq # 3 is not closed (etime = 0)
[UNREPAIRED] History record for VM 24 seq # 8 is not closed (etime = 0)
[UNREPAIRED] History record for VM 35 seq # 1 is not closed (etime = 0)
[UNREPAIRED] History record for VM 35 seq # 2 is not closed (etime = 0)
[UNREPAIRED] History record for VM 35 seq # 3 is not closed (etime = 0)
[UNREPAIRED] History record for VM 35 seq # 4 is not closed (etime = 0)
History record for VM 25 seq # 1 is not closed (etime = 0), but the VM is in state DONE

Total errors found: 7
Total errors repaired: 1
Total errors unrepaired: 6
A copy of this output was stored in /var/log/one/onedb-fsck.log

These VMs (24 & 35) no longer exist. Is there some way to correct or remove these problematic records?



These errors were caused by bug #4000. Unfortunately the ETIME cannot be guessed from the database. The manual solution is described in the documentation:


Thanks so much. Sorry I missed that in the docs.

Is there patch for OpenNebula 5.0.2?
Version read:
Shared tables 4.90.0 : OpenNebula 5.0.2 daemon bootstrap
Local tables 4.90.0 : OpenNebula 5.0.2 daemon bootstrap

Version mismatch: patch file is for version
Shared: 4.11.80, Local: 4.13.85

I have the same issue - is there a patch for 5.0.2?

Solved this issue here: