Error Importing existing VMs

I´m running the OpenNebula 5.4.15 on a VMware enviroment, everything looks fine but when I try to import the existing VMs on the Wilds tab I receive the messages bellow:

Some show:
[one.vm.allocate] DISK 0: Cannot acquire image 0, it is persistent and already in use

In some others the message is:
Error creating disk from template: [one.image.allocate] Not enough space in datastore

Does anyone know what to do?


[one.vm.allocate] DISK 0: Cannot acquire image 0, it is persistent and already in use

Check if any image used by the Wild VM is already imported

Error creating disk from template: [one.image.allocate] Not enough space in datastore

This is a bug, which has been solved in 5.6. Disable temporarily DATASTORE_CAPACITY_CHECK in /etc/one/oned.conf (you need to restart oned).

Import wild VMs in vCenter shouldn't check datastore capacity · Issue #1880 · OpenNebula/one · GitHub

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Still cant move my enviroment to the software. I´ve upgraded to vOneCloud 3.2 but the result is the same.

[one.vm.allocate] DISK 0: Cannot acquire image 0, it is persistent and already in use

On the new enviroment I could move only one of then. Those VMs where created on vCenter based on the the same template. Is there anything to do or do I need to create the VMs again (not a possible solution)