Cloud View resize disk

Question related to Cloud view. I have modified the cloud.yaml file “VM.disk_resize: true” however the button to resize in cloud view does not work. Nothing happens when I click on it. I have restarted sunstone.

Did you restarted sunstone? Did you edit yaml in right group?

I did. I made the changes to the cloud.yaml file @ /etc/one/sunstone-views/cloud.yaml
Here is output:

provision_logo: images/opennebula-5.0.png
confirm_vms: false
- provision-tab
- settings-tab
# True to show showback monthly reports, and VM cost
showback: true

# Allows to change the security groups for each network interface
# on the VM creation dialog
secgroups: true

# True to hide the CPU setting in the VM creation dialog. The CPU setting
# will be set to the same value as VCPU, that will still be visible for the
# end users
instantiate_hide_cpu: true

# False to not scale the CPU. Number [0, 1] to scale from VCPU
instantiate_cpu_factor: false

# True to show the option to make an instance persistent
instantiate_persistent: false

# True to allow to create machines to cloud users
cloud_vm_create: true

vm_info_tab: false
vm_capacity_tab: true
vm_storage_tab: true
vm_network_tab: true
vm_snapshot_tab: true
vm_placement_tab: false
vm_actions_tab: false
vm_conf_tab: false
vm_template_tab: false
vm_log_tab: false
flows: true
templates: true
actions: &provisionactions
# In the cloud view, delete is the equivalent
# of ‘onetemplate chmod --recursive’
Template.chmod: false

        # In the cloud view, delete is the equivalent
        # of 'onetemplate delete --recursive'
        Template.delete: true
        VM.rename: true
        VM.resume: true
        VM.reboot: true
        VM.reboot_hard: true
        VM.poweroff: true
        VM.poweroff_hard: true
        VM.undeploy: false
        VM.undeploy_hard: false
        VM.terminate: true
        VM.terminate_hard: true
        VM.resize: true
        VM.disk_resize: true
        VM.attachdisk: true
        VM.detachdisk: true
        VM.disk_saveas: true
        VM.attachnic: true
        VM.detachnic: true
        VM.snapshot_create: true
        VM.snapshot_revert: true
        VM.snapshot_delete: true
        VM.disk_snapshot_create: true
        VM.disk_snapshot_revert: true
        VM.disk_snapshot_delete: true
        VM.save_as_template: true
        # Connected user's quotas
        quotas: true
        # Overview of connected user's VMs
        vms: true
        # Group's quotas
        groupquotas: false
        # Overview of group's VMs
        groupvms: false
        # True to allow capacity (CPU, MEMORY, VCPU) customization
        capacity_select: true
        # True to allow NIC customization
        network_select: true
        # True to allow vmgroup customization
        vmgroup_select: true
        # True to allow DISK size customization
        disk_resize: true
        # True to allow datastore customization
        datastore_select: true
        settings_info_tab: false
        settings_config_tab: true
        settings_quotas_tab: true
        settings_accounting_tab: true
        settings_showback_tab: true
        # Buttons for settings_info_tab
        User.update_password: true
        User.login_token: true
        # Buttons for settings_config_tab
        Settings.change_language: true
        Settings.change_password: true
        Settings.change_view: true
        Settings.ssh_key: true
        Settings.login_token: true
        # Edit button in settings_quotas_tab
        User.quotas_dialog: false
    actions: *provisionactions
        - 0         # Checkbox
        - 1         # ID
        - 2         # Name
        - 3         # Onwer
        - 4         # Group
        - 5         # Datastore
        #- 6        # Size
        - 7         # Type
        #- 8        # Registration time
        #- 9        # Persistent
        - 10        # Status
        - 11        # #VMs
        #- 12       # Target
        - 0         # Checkbox
        - 1         # ID
        - 2         # Name
        #- 3        # Owner
        - 4         # Group
        #- 5        # Reservation
        #- 6        # Cluster
        #- 7        # Bridge
        #- 8        # Leases
        #- 9        # VLAN ID
        - 0         # Checkbox
        - 1         # ID
        - 2         # Name
        #- 3        # Owner
        - 4         # Group
        #- 5        # Labels
        - 0         # Checkbox
        - 1         # ID
        - 2         # Name
        - 3         # Owner
        - 4         # Group
        - 5         # Vms
        #- 6        # Labels
        #- 7        # Search data
        - 0         # Checkbox
        - 1         # ID
        - 2         # Name
        - 3         # Owner
        - 4         # Group
        #- 5        # Capacity
        #- 6        # Cluster
        #- 7        # Basepath
        #- 8        # TM
        #- 9        # DS
        #- 10       # Type
        - 11        # Status
        #- 12       # Labels
        #- 13       # Search data

hi, what version of opennebula u a using?

Great question. How do I determine that? I did not perform the install.

it is visible in the footer of sunstone

Bummer, not in mine. All I see is “powered by OpenNebula Systems”

It look like the sunstone page may have some custom work done to it. Any ideas?

We are running 5.4.1

hmm, them looks like a bug. Try to upgrade to latest 5.4.*. You should review all release notes. Also check release notes for 5.6 and 5.6.1, 5.6.2